dinsdag 21 januari 2025



codex alimentarius

updated October 23 2022

Op de oude InMarkt website (gepubliceerd tussen 2001 en 2013 ) hebben we veel aandacht besteed aan de Codex Alimentarius. Het meest verontrustende aan dit belangrijke document, is dat weinig mensen er van af weten, laat staan dat ze enig benul hebben van het wolf in schaapskleren'' karakter van dit document dat zogenaamd bedoeld is om internationale afspraken op het gebied van regelgeving naast de nationale en regionale regelgeving te maken en dus als advies dient voor o.a. nationale wet en regelgeving.

 De hoofddoelen van de Codex Alimentarius zouden zijn: 

  • het beschermen van de gezondheid van consumenten
  • het verzekeren van eerlijke handelspraktijken in de voedselhandel
  • het bevorderen van harmonisering van alle voedselstandaarden, die opgesteld worden door internationale organisaties 


Het eerlijke verhaal achter deze mooie praatjes, wordt pas duidelijk als we kennis hebben van feiten die door verschillende onderzoekers worden toegelicht, waaruit blijkt dat de codex één van de belangrijke middelen is om de implementatie van de 'New World Order' te bespoedigen, die de antichrist de absolute macht op aarde zou moeten geven.

Hoewel het misschien wat meer tijd kost, raden wij de lezers aan zich hier over te laten inlichten, zodat ze hun eigen mening kunnen vormen over deze zeer ernstige bedreiging van de gezondheid van de wereldbevolking.


Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.
Codex Alimentarius has gone into global implementation by December 31, 2009, unless We, the People, avert it.

SeeCodex Alimentarius 101: "A crash course in Codex Alimentarius."




The WTO and the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius

Control the food, you control people and profits.
Dr. Rima Laibow in 2005
Codex Alimentarius - The End Of Healthy Food, Minerals and Vitamins

See also:
Dr. Rima Laibow 2021
Channels on Rumble with mostly Rima Laibow, Covid-19


We Become Silent (2005) a film by Kevin P. Miller about Codex Alimentarius

International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller unveils the worldwide threat to medical freedom of choice in WE BECOME SILENT: The Last Days of Health Freedom'. WE BECOME SILENT details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests, giant food companies, and government agencies to limit the public's access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies. The film highlights the U.S. government's complicity in suppressing the truth about the effectiveness of alternative/complementary medicines, and outlines the international plan to eliminate freedom of choice in healthcare through the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Narrated by Dame Judi Dench, the noted UK actress who has won multiple Golden Globe awards and dozens of other honors throughout her prestigious career, WE BECOME SILENT is a powerful statement about the dominance of multinational corporations over personal freedoms. The film describes the ominous bureaucratic shadow being cast by Codex, in concert with the World Trade Organization and others - and the challenges consumers face in trying to repel these monoliths from their daily lives. WE BECOME SILENT features the only known video from inside a Codex meeting, exclusive interviews with delegates to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials, two U.S. Congressmen, actor Mel Gibson, and consumer activists from throughout the world. FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY


EP.18 Codex Alimentarius

Food and nutrients have been controlled by the Globalist's and Big Pharma since 1962! and what's involved will upset you...really.

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